2. 5 Quotes To Live By This Year

Hey queens! These are my top 5 favourite quotes.

“Your value doesn’t decrease just because someone can’t see your worth.

You can’t rely on other people for your validation. This gives them the power to dictate your behaviour, self-respect and personality. Basing your worth off of someone else’s opinion of you is senseless anyway because no one knows you better than yourself. Create so much happiness within yourself that you do not need to find it from anyone else. People treat you the way they feel about you and that may be a bitter pill to swallow.

We’re only haunted by the things we refuse to accept.

Holding a grudge is worse for yourself in the long run. When you hate or have anger towards someone, you’re still giving them a huge amount of your energy. People come into your life and show you how they’re going to love you, from then you decide whether or not they have a place in your life. It’s important to also note you don’t need to forgive someone to let them go. You don’t have to forgive OR forget, just move on.

Photo by William Chen on Pexels.com

Detach from what destroys you.

You can’t heal in the same place that you broke. Surrounding yourself with the energy you feel hurt by will only ever continue its presence in your life. It’s also okay to be alone and to cut off the people who no longer serve a positive purpose to you. Self-respect is underrated – it is the pinnacle of how people treat you. How you feel about yourself is the foundation for how others feel about you.

You get tested the most when it’s time for you to elevate.

Everything happens for a reason. There is no truer statement. What you learn through every bad experience in your life is more often than not, far more worthy than not going through said bad experience at all. It is a reflection of what you must learn and what elevates you into the more powerful person you will become. If you’re chasing something, you’re telling the universe you are in a state of lack. The universe will then act as a mirror and show you exactly that. What is meant for you won’t pass you by. It’s easy to find comfort in what we’re used to but comfort is the enemy of progress. There is no progress without pain and mistakes. These are the days that must happen to you.

“You have so many silent admirers.

Not necessarily romantically. Life is so fast paced these days that we often forget how many blessings we have when we’re so lost in the places we need to be and the jobs we need to do. You’ll find that a lot of people categorise your life as perfect and something they’d dream to have. Even the little things. People want the things you have. People want the life you lead – just like the way you may admire other people. It all comes full circle.

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